Home > Special programming “Bolivia” on Radio Venezuela en Vivo

Special programming “Bolivia” on Radio Venezuela en Vivo

by Open-Publishing - Wednesday 30 April 2008

Radio South/Latin America

Radio Venezuela en Vivo

Special programming “Bolivia” on Radio Venezuela en Vivo

The local pro-opposition authorities in Santa Cruz, Bolivia have decided to hold a referendum on 4 May 2008: the question, should the region become autonomous

Now, according to Bolivan electoral authorities, this referéndum is illegal

What lies behind this demand for regional autonomy?

Is Bolivia en route to balkanisation?

 Why has the man who was US ambassador in Kosovo been sent in the same capacity to Bolivia?

From Kosovo to Santa Cruz by way of Tibet and the oil-rich state of Zulia in Venezuela , what exactly do these separatist movements mean?

To give you an answer to all these questions (and more) Radio Venezuela en Vivo’s internacional team Hill broadcast special programming on Bolivia on the very day of the referendum Sunday 4 May.

If you want to tune in to Radio Venezuela en Vivo:

From 10:00 am Caracas time
2.30 AM: Canberra
6.30 AM: San Francisco
9.30 AM: New York, Montreal
11.30 AM: Rio de Janeiro, Porto Alegre
15.30 PM: Rabat
15.30 PM: London
16.30 PM: Paris, Bruxelles
19.30 PM: Antananarivo
21h30 PM: New Delhi
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Radio Venezuela en Vivo